Archive for May, 2013


Posted: May 22, 2013 in Uncategorized
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21 May 2013 07:00PM



I have just said good bye to someone that I know I am not going to see again and, I felt a smack of sadness and grief because I know that a huge chapter of my life is over. Did they know they wouldn’t see me again, maybe not, but I knew. So, I’m moving on, and as one door closes, another opens. Having said that, I’m not sure what’s next. We’ve all been there at different times in our lives and it makes me think of that lovely song, ‘Between Trapezes,’ by the singer- song writer Lara Martin. So aptly written, the words focus on those times in our lives when we have to let go of things to make room for the new, but stepping out of that comfort zone into the unknown is never easy.

So, everything has its season, appointed time and such.  Life moves on…Getting older yes. Who isn’t? But then we should consider our good fortune when we think of the news this past couple of days and the tragic deaths in Oklahoma, especially those of children. We all need to treasure our memories and embrace those around us with fondness, because we have no idea when we will have to say those goodbyes.

It’s hard to believe that nearly half of 2013 has gone already and time does seem to be speeding ahead .Is that something we over 50s feel or are you younger ones stunned as well at the rate this year is hurtling forward? Sometimes I fleetingly wish I was younger and I understand what my granny meant when she came out with expressions like, ‘I wish I was younger, and know all that I know now.’ Oh what it is to have wisdom and experience, to have lived and loved, to be mature and wise.  And sometimes I have to question who is the younger anyway, ‘cos I’m still charging around doing a hundred and one things when my kids get caught napping after dinner. What’s that all about?

So should we wish we were younger? Never

Should we banish those words from our vocabulary, I’m too old for that? Yes, don’t you dare say that!  And don’t get caught saying, ‘they didn’t do that in my day,’ either ‘cos it’s still your day! You are here aren’t you?

Don’t feel miserable about getting older, embrace life to the full and if you’re like me you will probably be busier than you’ve ever been. If not, get clued –up and connected. Then get busy. There’s plenty to do out there, so just re discover those gifts and talents that are hidden away and make use of them.


Chat soon



15 May 2013 11:00PM



Don’t ask me why I decided to blog about champagne, other than I thought it might be of interest to some of you girlies out there. 

Having just spent most of the day sorting out problems – or looking on the positive side, obstacles waiting to be overcome – I then tuned into Sky TV to listen to nothing but bad news so, I decided to pour myself a refreshing martini and lemonade and relax with the local paper.

Now I’m not a champagne drinker myself but scanning the paper for good news I read about the British woman who had launched a sugar free, low calorie champagne. Do I care? Not really, but someone might. Now I never really liked the stuff, and always thought it was overrated. I certainly couldn’t understand why people were willing to pay such extortionate prices for it. Do I sound a bore? Whatever, that’s my opinion.  Anyway, apparently the ex- showbiz reporter was afraid she was gaining too much weight due to the excessive amount of champagne that she consumed at VIP parties. What, couldn’t she say No?

Well seemingly she left her job as a journalist, moved to France, and began studying on a one year wine course with an elite cookery school, followed by a period of research in the champagne region of the north-east.

She has now been instrumental in the development of a  ‘zero dosage’ champagne, which basically means that sugar has not been added during manufacturing, unlike traditional champagne. The calorific value in a glass of this champagne is significantly less than those found in most glasses of sparkling wine.

Some restaurants in the UK have now agreed to stock the champagne. Will it be a best-seller? Let’s wait and see.

I fancy another martini and I’m going to work on my next book. Will it be a best seller? Let’s see.

Chat soon




I’m in Spain again for a few days. A last minute decision, an unexpected surprise, and although this turned out to be a fruitful trip, the weather could have been a bit kinder. I have not seen any sunshine yet and I’m fed up with this rain. In fact, I can’t remember when I last had such awful weather in Spain. It is cold and damp and, as I type this blog, the thunderous applaud above just startled me so much that I had to go outside and see if everything around me was still standing. The dogs on the local farm are clearly not happy; the evidence of which, the dog’s chorus, the heavy rain pounding down on the rooftops, and the flashes of lightening and jolts of thunder, leave me just slightly home sick. Let’s just hope the power doesn’t go off again, a common occurrence in these parts, not to mention the roads are not ‘proper’ roads but country lanes, so there will be a fine mud bath when I dare to venture out. Strange how we soon get out of our comfort zone, but yes, take me back to Yorkshire please.

As I seem to be commuting more and more these days in many ways the timing was perfect as I dropped on some amazingly cheap flights. Wish I could do that more often!

I managed to fit in some social time as well as attend several business meetings, the trip beginning last Friday with a good old English breakfast on the coast, whilst listening to the music of Dave Bilbrough, the guy who wrote the song Abba Father, which heralded him into an almost instant global success. Now with over three decades in Christian music and several albums later, he is recognised as one of the Britain’s foremost Christian song writers. It was great to meet both him and his wife and listen to his story about his music career and his faith walk with Jesus.

I then went on to spend the rest of the day listening to Spanish gypsy music in a local tavern in an area about 35 minutes’ drive from the coast where, British ex-pats are still having trouble with the aftermath of illegal building. A good friend of mine appears to be one of the victims and is waiting for news as a local ex-Mayor was recently imprisoned and heavy fines imposed on the presiding council.  The Judge ordered the demolition of the properties, regardless of the fact that several contracts exist for the sale and purchase of the houses to third parties. Will this saga ever end and why should these people who put all their life savings into buying a property in Spain, trusting in their advisors and the legal system be penalised, whilst some of the very scoundrels and builders behind the projects seem to have done a runner? My friend now waits with baited breath.

Just prior to leaving for the airport I was in the vicinity of that terrible crash on the M62 near Pontefract, West Yorkshire, involving the Hen party on the minibus. It makes you think about your faith; well it does me, because tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us, is it?

And I’m moaning about the weather. Get a grip Anna.


On that note I have a wedding this weekend which I am looking forward to and, I will be taking my fab little granddaughter who has never ever been to one. She is so excited. Bless!

So best wishes to the bride to be, and my prayers go out for the girls on the mini bus and their families.

Looking forward to seeing my family in a couple of days.
