Embassy Gala Dinner

Posted: June 14, 2013 in Uncategorized

Embassy Gala Dinner

13 June 2013 12:00AM



So I was fortunate to enjoy fabulous food and great company at the Mexican Embassy in London this time last week, and it makes me so grateful for my blessed life and how we should always remember those less fortunate than ourselves.


I am reminded of the two homeless people that I fed on the streets of Manhattan last week. I bought Isabel a coffee and food, and chatted with her about the last seven years which she had spent sleeping on the streets – apart from the occasional time when she had been able to stay at the women’s refuge – she said she felt blessed by my kindness and the meagre snack that I had bought her. ‘I thank God every day for taking care of me, and giving me everything I need,’ she whispered.

So for those of you reading this blog on WordPress meet Isabel and Robbie. Yes I took photos of them, with their permission. Isabel asked me to pray for her because she wanted God to make her life purposeful and do something worthwhile to help others. Oh my gosh, did this woman inspire me? Having listened to her life story I found myself praying for her to find her long lost sons, and ultimately find a home and an income and…and …and…yes, we prayed for a miracle. She was so excited when I explained to her that I was going to blog about her, having first explained the meaning of a blog.



It is interesting how many people scrat around for food, my burden being for the kids of course. Then we see such ridiculous waste in the world. I wandered into the Waldorf Astoria and accidently found myself amidst the wedding preparations of ? You’ll find that one out soon enough;Hello Magazine apparently. The flowers alone would have cost thousands of dollars. How I would love to have seen that money going to the ‘Feed New York’ campaign. Yes one’s wedding day is important, but my point is the ridiculous divide between rich and poor. I wonder how many sandwiches that would have provided for hungry kids?

So, I do what I can to help others and I’m not puffing me up, I just care!!!!!!!!! And do what I can…

You know, we can all do something, no matter how little.

God Bless


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