Posts Tagged ‘Police’

Mexico Blog

07 July 2012 08:00PM

Reflecting upon my Mexican trip, some of the stuff that initially puzzled me is finally falling into place. I love that word ‘stuff,’ you can use it for everything.

So, in Mexico I went with the flow, walked in the spirit, call it what you will – depending on your belief system. One example is that I just knew I was meant to see the Mexican lawyer that I met during Mexico Week in Yorkshire, earlier this year. He was delighted to receive me and I was grateful that he made time in his very busy agenda. I later discovered he was one of the most respected lawyers in Mexico City. It seems that I have need of him already. And no, I didn’t get into trouble in Mexico and I’m not confined to a cell somewhere. I’m now safely back in Yorkshire recovery from jet-lag and reminiscing. Thinking about it, I suppose my arrest might have produced some great publicity in the UK and my book sales would have probably escalated dramatically.

‘A Yorkshire woman was arrested in Mexico City today for………..’

How to get a best-seller in 24 hours. Uhm! For the most part I did remain a law abiding citizen except, when it looked as though the police had snatched a few bottles of mineral water from some of the kids and, I waded in to challenge their action. It turned out, not to be water at all. Oops! Well I tell a lie. It was water, with some interesting additives!

If nothing else, my Mexico trip endorsed my vision and my plans for the Chavos Brand. Things are taking an exciting turn and consequently I need a Mexican lawyer. Not saying any more yet. Just watch this space. Ah ha! Think you have heard me say that before. I know, it’s so annoying when you only get half a story. My friends say I drive them nuts. I love to tell them I’m going somewhere or doing something and when they ask why, what do they hear?

‘I can’t tell you yet!’ So frustrating I suppose.

You know everything begins with a tiny seed. A vision birthed takes time and before I tell you more about Mexican life, the kids and what other things I did during this 2 week visit,  I want to re-affirm, for those of you who haven’t heard my story, how I actually began Chavosing.

So allow me to enlighten you, although if you are reading this on wordpress you can go to  for more insight.

In 2003 I took my first trip to Mexico City. Thereby lies an awesome story which, I will be blogging in time.  Probably another book, we will see.

When I went to Mexico I had no comprehension that one day I would start writing novels, although I had already written a rough short story/picture book about a little orphan girl. After that first visit my picture book began to take shape and soon became based on a little orphan girl living in Mexico City. Makes sense!

What I didn’t expect was that the journal which I kept each day would be the beginning of a novel, later to be named Chavos, which after future and continuous visits to Mexico became a series of novels and then ultimately the inspiration for the Chavos Brand. 

I will tell you more about those years since 2003 to date, but until then I want to tell you that as I carry such an awesome vision for the future, this is what I have learnt.

A vision birthed;-

A vision usually begins in the heart and mind of one person, and often causes confusion, doubt and sometimes mass hysteria to those listening, when it is spoken out.

They are obviously not visionaries!

If you see it, feel it, know it, taste it, believe it, live it and breathe it. If it will not go away no matter how hard you try, then it’s more likely to be, than not to be.

Determination, guts, commitment, the willingness to be ridiculed, doubted and despised seems to be the criteria for a visionary, as I have painfully learnt.

Undoubtedly, the willingness to make sacrifices, to give up friendships, time and most importantly money is an absolute requisite. To be prepared to lose everything at the cost of being wrong, but to be able to look back at the end of one’s life and say…I tried!

On the contrary, I cannot imagine the pain and sorrow, if having not run the race of feeling WHAT IF!

Tell you more next time I blog. Friends arrived for supper. Actually with supper, they brought it!

Tengo hambre.


Mexico Blog

26 June 2012 10:00PM

Day 6 in Mexico and whilst I need to blog some of yesterday’s amazing events I’m now collapsed on the bed having refused an invitation to dine out and I can’t even eat the burger and fries that I had room-service bring a couple of hours ago. What a contrast to some 24 hours ago and it’s hard to believe this is the same city. Even the same world! Where do I begin to tell you how horrible I feel and do you really care? The truth is, it would do some of these Hollywood wives good to spend the day where I was today although thinking about it, I doubt they would have lasted 10 minutes. As for people like Carlos Slim, the richest man in the world – and a Mexican. Has he ever really experienced anything so awful I wonder?  Few people have. They hear about it. They read about it. They talk about it. But to experience it first hand may just change your life.  And this is not about insulting Carlos as I don’t know anything about the man, nor what he does with his billions. But I sure would like to meet him.

So, how do I feel after today on the streets down-town in Mexico City? The answer is quite simple. Sick!

I have never seen so many young kids out of their minds, nor been in an environment where I have inhaled so much junk, that at one point I felt so nauseous and completely stoned I had to get out of there for a while. Thanks be to God that everyone decided to take a walk to the local square for a game of football and I managed to breathe some fresher air. Note I don’t say FRESH. This is Mexico City after all.

So much to tell you and I did get loads of photos after gaining the confidence of some of the kids. I was even invited in to see where one girl lived. Of which she was very proud. Uhm! I will post some of the pictures and tell more tomorrow ‘cos now, I NEED to sleep. Oh!  First I need to contact a very helpful police officer who I met today. It was quite an eventful day to say the least especially when the police swooped one of the groups I was with and made a couple of arrests. Can you believe it – mentioning no names because I don’t want to be unprofessional – but the street team that we had gone out with did a runner when the police arrived.  Not one of the officers spoke any English which surprised me, but guess what? Suddenly my Spanish improved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will blog more when had some sleep. I’m stoned!
