Posts Tagged ‘Mexico City’


Posted: January 3, 2013 in Uncategorized
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02 January 2013 01:00PM



So here we are again facing the challenges of another year and wondering what happened, how did we get here so fast!

What I do know is that if we allow it life will have passed us by and all those good intentions, dreams and visions may never have become reality. Why? Perhaps because we didn’t get off our butt and do something about it. Or maybe we were too full of excuses. Too old, too busy, can’t do it and more!

Or did we allow the assaults on our life over those past years to hinder us? Is it ever too late?  I think not… So if you are reading this blog and you are wondering. What if? I challenge you. Don’t look back with regrets. Your yesterdays, good or bad were a learning curve and made you what you are today. You decide how to use that knowledge and wisdom. Turn that imagination into creation. Get on with it and make 2013 count.

So here’s to 2013 and hoping that we can all be kind to one another and accomplish those God given dreams. Let’s do more than we could have ever imagined because, dreams are made too big for us so that we can grow into them you know.



 Happy New Year.


God Bless and may all your dreams come true in 2013.

SAM_3792Sneak Peak – Released Dec 31st 🙂

2012-12-14 16.57.53Quick coffee and cake between Christmas shopping trips

SAM_3772My new novels arrive, well half of them.

15Still making my bucket list for 2013.

Zaina1I’ve been good Santa!

10Grimethorpe Brass Band Live = World class

9Gospel Concert – Praise the Lord!

8Butler and Gracie – Mischief Makers

7Awwhh! Nativity time again.

6Chef Marco you’re the best: Lupita East

05Every Woman loves to be serenaded!

04Mexican canapes at Lupita East. Love them!

03Can I have one of these for Christmas please??

20121129_144347A brisk walk in Hyde park.

A New Season

16 October 2012 12:00AM

S-o-o- here I am in Spain and so far to date my time here has been most unusual. But first….The Chavos Ball;

What an amazing night. Clearly this function is going to just get better and better and already looking forward to the next one. I suppose the question is which will come next. Leeds once again or, London. Uhm!

Well a huge thanks to those who made it special including as always our Mariachis, Suzi our Soprano and the Folkloric dancers. Thanks to the boys who sold raffle tickets all night until they finally ran out and to all the people who worked so hard to make it a great event. A big thank you to Amathus drinks for a fabulous tequila cocktail reception and what about my consort who looked very dashing. Let’s see if I can book him for the next event!

I was so pleased that both the Lord Mayor of Leeds and Lord Mayor of Wakefield were able to attend and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Both were women, so power to the girls. Love it!

If you missed it this year I suggest you don’t miss the next one. Check out my facebook fan page as photos go on over the next week or so.

Can’t remember whether I kissed any frogs or not that night ‘cos I had a few tequilas and then dashed off to Spain soon after, and of course I’m still there. Let’s see what’s waiting for me when I get back to the UK but, I really needed this time out. God’s perfect timing, as they say.

I know the Chavos Ball marked both the end of a season and the beginning of something new. With so many plans in the pipe-line and so many decisions to make, both personal and business. Not to mention books to get to the printers, people to see, places to go…..

I will tell you more about the ball, how much money we raised, what we are going to do with the money and what’s happening in Spain soon.

Luv and stuff



06 September 2012 12:00AM

Someone in the office just asked me what happened to the car and mentioned that it was over a week since I blogged. Oh my gosh! I blinked and another week gone by. AND, may be just may be they have more free time than me. In fact, I don’t have any free time! How do these people blog every day?

Well, the car cost an absolute fortune. A burnt out clutch and more! The garage puzzled as to how I had managed to drive from Lincoln to Leeds with it in such a dreadful condition. ‘Someone was looking over you luv,’ exclaimed the mechanic.  

S-o-o- a few days without a car – no problem – friends and family to the rescue, then  a couple of days with my little granddaughter and some hectic days in the office. With so much to do, not to mention finalising the plans for the Chavos Ball, it’s been a crazy busy week. If you’re in Leeds Yorkshire on the 6th October you have to be there.  A tequila cocktail reception sponsored by Amathus Drinks, special guests, mariachis and folkloric dancers.  Whoop! Whoop! A night not to be missed.  About 100 guests have confirmed so far, but with a few weeks to go numbers are increasing everyday.


I have managed to watch some of the Paralympic Games this week which actually are due to end on the 9th September. As far as inspiring a generation I can’t give enough credit to all those participants who have achieved so much and overcome such incredible odds. I’m certainly inspired.

Meanwhile, anyone who knows me by now is aware that I am more of a performing arts fan myself and, did I tell you that last weekend I went to the Theatre Royal Wakefield, youth production of Flashdance? It was awesome and I am looking forward to the next production performed by these kids. I’m told that their previous production – Les Miserables  – was spectacular. Well done kids. Seems I’m always quoting my little granddaughter but isn’t that what a proud nanny would do? Prior to the performance we went out for a meal – her favourite, chicken tikka masala, then ice-cream and sweets at the theatre, as you do. Quote –‘Nanny I have tummy ache.’
‘Do you darling. Perhaps you have eaten too much. When we get home I will give you some medicine and a warm drink.’
‘Nanny, I didn’t eat too many sweets,’ she says showing me the empty packet and then proceeding to raise her t-shirt. ‘Look is it because I have dirt in my tummy button.’
Awh! Don’t you just love children? We are now looking forward to a quick hike to London in a few weeks to see Matilda.

As far as work goes it has been one of those irritating weeks when nothing seems to go right and you feel as though you are going around in circles. Lots of decisions to make, possible opportunities and untold choices, but some confusion and doubt bring to mind that old Yorkshire saying. ‘If in dowt, do nowt.’ It always works. Sometimes it’s the right decision but at the wrong time, so I figure it’s time to step back, get away from the crowd and have some peace and quiet.  Maybe Spain is calling. What, again? I can’t help it. That’s where I seem to get all my inspiration and refreshing. It’s just annoying that those cheap air fares don’t seem to exist anymore. Better check out my Jet 2 points and see if I can get a free flight. If so, I’m off for a long weekend. Sounds good eh?

AND Leeds City Council are doing my head in. One parking fine, a couple of minutes over and another for fleetingly crossing a bus lane.  Argh!!!!!!

Chat soon


26 July 2012 12:00AM


A few days ago I blogged a picture on http://www.wordpress of some graffiti photographed in Mexico City when I was there a couple of weeks ago. So, while I’m thinking about graffiti I thought I would blog another one of the most interesting property that I found, in Granada Spain, a few years ago. How does that relate to what I’m doing today?

Well actually, I have written two novels in the Chavos series to date.

Chavos – The kids of Distrito Federal, selling now. Chavos – The Quest is at the printers and awaiting launch later this year. And although Chavos 3 is roughly outlined, my next book is Pablo’s Diary. A street kid who just so happens to be a graffiti artist.

The house that I discovered in Granada gave me the inspiration for what has now become the Molina House, Pablo being one of the Molina Brothers. I am very excited about this book. Although a spin-off from the main Chavos novels, it is actually quite different. Nearly finished, I’m just adding some interesting tweaks, and then I need all the graffiti and illustrations to finalise. I would really like someone about Pablo’s age, a school kid or street kid – early teens to work with me on this project.

You know, I never imagined a few years ago that I would start writing children’s literature and be having so much fun. There are quite simply not enough hours in the day as I am so full of books; I need to empty my head.

That just makes me think of something that was emailed to me last night and it brought tears to my eyes, so I’m passing it on.

Here goes; – next blog….


Mexico Blog

07 July 2012 08:00PM

Reflecting upon my Mexican trip, some of the stuff that initially puzzled me is finally falling into place. I love that word ‘stuff,’ you can use it for everything.

So, in Mexico I went with the flow, walked in the spirit, call it what you will – depending on your belief system. One example is that I just knew I was meant to see the Mexican lawyer that I met during Mexico Week in Yorkshire, earlier this year. He was delighted to receive me and I was grateful that he made time in his very busy agenda. I later discovered he was one of the most respected lawyers in Mexico City. It seems that I have need of him already. And no, I didn’t get into trouble in Mexico and I’m not confined to a cell somewhere. I’m now safely back in Yorkshire recovery from jet-lag and reminiscing. Thinking about it, I suppose my arrest might have produced some great publicity in the UK and my book sales would have probably escalated dramatically.

‘A Yorkshire woman was arrested in Mexico City today for………..’

How to get a best-seller in 24 hours. Uhm! For the most part I did remain a law abiding citizen except, when it looked as though the police had snatched a few bottles of mineral water from some of the kids and, I waded in to challenge their action. It turned out, not to be water at all. Oops! Well I tell a lie. It was water, with some interesting additives!

If nothing else, my Mexico trip endorsed my vision and my plans for the Chavos Brand. Things are taking an exciting turn and consequently I need a Mexican lawyer. Not saying any more yet. Just watch this space. Ah ha! Think you have heard me say that before. I know, it’s so annoying when you only get half a story. My friends say I drive them nuts. I love to tell them I’m going somewhere or doing something and when they ask why, what do they hear?

‘I can’t tell you yet!’ So frustrating I suppose.

You know everything begins with a tiny seed. A vision birthed takes time and before I tell you more about Mexican life, the kids and what other things I did during this 2 week visit,  I want to re-affirm, for those of you who haven’t heard my story, how I actually began Chavosing.

So allow me to enlighten you, although if you are reading this on wordpress you can go to  for more insight.

In 2003 I took my first trip to Mexico City. Thereby lies an awesome story which, I will be blogging in time.  Probably another book, we will see.

When I went to Mexico I had no comprehension that one day I would start writing novels, although I had already written a rough short story/picture book about a little orphan girl. After that first visit my picture book began to take shape and soon became based on a little orphan girl living in Mexico City. Makes sense!

What I didn’t expect was that the journal which I kept each day would be the beginning of a novel, later to be named Chavos, which after future and continuous visits to Mexico became a series of novels and then ultimately the inspiration for the Chavos Brand. 

I will tell you more about those years since 2003 to date, but until then I want to tell you that as I carry such an awesome vision for the future, this is what I have learnt.

A vision birthed;-

A vision usually begins in the heart and mind of one person, and often causes confusion, doubt and sometimes mass hysteria to those listening, when it is spoken out.

They are obviously not visionaries!

If you see it, feel it, know it, taste it, believe it, live it and breathe it. If it will not go away no matter how hard you try, then it’s more likely to be, than not to be.

Determination, guts, commitment, the willingness to be ridiculed, doubted and despised seems to be the criteria for a visionary, as I have painfully learnt.

Undoubtedly, the willingness to make sacrifices, to give up friendships, time and most importantly money is an absolute requisite. To be prepared to lose everything at the cost of being wrong, but to be able to look back at the end of one’s life and say…I tried!

On the contrary, I cannot imagine the pain and sorrow, if having not run the race of feeling WHAT IF!

Tell you more next time I blog. Friends arrived for supper. Actually with supper, they brought it!

Tengo hambre.


Mexico Blog

04 July 2012 09:00AM


I still have so much to tell about my time here in Mexico and will continue to blog my stories and pictures. I have been here for two weeks and whilst it feels like months since I was in the UK, it feels like only yesterday. The mind plays such tricks.

This morning I woke up with the sun shining, the birds singing, and with views of the prettiest and most tranquil of gardens. It is hard to believe that this IS Mexico City, and behind these garden walls lives another world.

When you have been some of the places I have, and experienced and met people living in that other world. You wake up. Take a hot shower.

And thank God.

Chat soon.



Mexico Blog

03 July 2012 09:00PM

So what can I say about the kids on the streets?

I really don’t know! I’m naturally disturbed about the things I have seen but it continues to be a huge problem here in Mexico City. Various institutions are working relentlessly to solve the problem with miniscule effect.

Let me give you a few instances.

Behind the very vibrant and decorative billboard was a disturbing story. This was the filthy hovel called home to a group of 4 boys aged between 12 -14 years. We spent about half an hour speaking to these kids who ventured into the street looking for food and water, allowing our photographer time to sneak in and take a few snaps of their abode. Later a couple of them were happy to have their photos taken with us, but another shied away and said that the last time someone took his photo he was later arrested.

Each had a different, yet similar story to tell, having decided that life on the streets was a better option than living at home. An abusive step-father often seemed to come into the equation.

Most of the kids that I encountered on the streets, including these boys were quite frankly out of their minds. A quick glance and you wonder why they have all taken to thumb sucking, then to realise that constantly sniffing of inhalants like activo was the norm. I was amazed to hear that some of them had lived on the street for years, others only weeks, but had become almost instantly addicted. When I asked one girl why she used the stuff,  particularly as she had a young baby – which she kindly allowed me to hold – she answered, ‘because it makes me feel happy. I like it!’

Thumb sucking or drug abuse?

My heart wept for two young girls who clearly were great friends with our billboard kids. They seemed to think that hanging around the streets all day with their babies was an acceptable option.

‘We don’t always sleep on the streets. Sometimes we rent a room.’

‘Oh. So that makes all the difference.’ I thought!  ‘And where do you get the money to rent a room?’ I dared to ask.

‘We sell stuff like drugs and things. Can you give me some water for my baby? She whispered. ‘ I need some fresh water to make her milk.’

Of course I gave her my bottle of water, but fought back the tears as I nursed the baby and she snorted more activo.

One of the girls admitted being taken off the streets on two occasions, accommodated in an institution for a few weeks, then returned to the streets as the lure and the sense of freedom drew her once again to the patch that, she had been accustomed to for several years. She liked being there because she was near to the baby’s father she said, and he had no intention of leaving the streets.

I want to tell you about Natasha’s story. Natasha is the name I have given to the girl who survived on the streets since she was 6 years old, and is now living in a girl’s hostel. My prayer is that she finds sufficient support and never returns to the streets.

At the age of 6 years she ran away from home. She had constantly been abused by male members of the family and found refuge in a shelter with a group of kids who quickly substituted for her family.  Natasha learnt to survive by begging, dressing as a clown and performing tricks. Ultimately, as she grew older, she practiced the art of Faquir, laying on broken glass….which paid well, she said.

What adult in their right mind would pay a child to sprawl their little body across a pile of broken glass? I questioned.  I despair!

Natasha said she was never hungry because people were always willing to give her food, especially the market traders and street vendors. She could earn enough money to buy everything that she needed and it was only when she became pregnant that she was persuaded to leave the streets for the sake of her unborn child.

Her story is an unbelievable story of survival.  She found facilities to shower, wash her clothes, and for a period of time the kids made their own wash room with tarpaulin covers where they stripped off in turns and washed their bodies with water warmed on a local camp fire.

A few days after meeting these kids I visited an institution which housed 14 ex street girls, all aged between 14 -19 years. Between them they had 11 young children, with others on the way.  Spending a couple of hours with these girls who chatted freely, they all appeared to be changing their thinking, to being re-educated to the idea that bringing their children up on the streets was not an option. All these girls were estranged from their families, and although some of them knew where their parents lived they had no intention of re- establishing contact.

One 12 year old, who had been found living in the sewers and was heavily pregnant with twins, lost the babies during birth. I asked if we could meet her but she had run away not long before we had visited the home.

‘She’s gone back to the streets,’ the other girls exclaimed.

We were hearing these stories constantly, and whilst this is not un- common in Mexico City it is a disturbing thought for those of us living in the UK. We need to look after our children and stamp down on abuse before we hear of more youngsters in the U.K running away from home. Don’t lets escalate into a situation like Mexico City.

I heard some awful news today, tweeted by the Children’s Society.

‘One child runs away from an abusive home every 5 minutes, in the UK.’

What are we doing about it?

Chat soon.


Mexico Blog

01 July 2012 10:00PM

Today Mexico voted and whilst I accompanied one of my friends to the polling station I wondered why God gave me a heart for this country and its people. It’s a world away from the little Yorkshire village where I was born.

So, I’m looking forward to a tasty Yorkshire pud and onion gravy next weekend meanwhile,  I still have a few days here before I return to the UK.

I visited a Mexican church today and whilst I love to be with Spanish speaking people, actually this was an English meeting attended by only a handful of Brits but plenty of Americans and, English speaking Mexicans. Why these Mexicans want to sing their praises in English confounds me, but what a fabulous mix of music from a solo flutist, a modern worship team and a traditional choir. Then, followed by an inspirational speaker whose heart for others was evident in the work that he had pioneered, rescuing young children from sex trafficking gangs in Mexico City, I wanted to cry and wondered what God makes of man’s behaviour.  In actual fact, sex trafficking of children has now been declared as the second most profitable crime in the world, the first being drugs of course.

The message today couldn’t  have been clearer and was intended to motivate people to do something, anything, to make a difference in the lives of the suffering in this world.

The speaker was the second person in three days to say that he believed one of the greatest sins in the world today was apathy and indifference. I couldn’t agree more, and I am disturbed by the number of people generally who have the attitude that as long as they are ok, that’s ok!

 I’m back on the streets tomorrow and visiting some institutions who work with young pregnant girls. Meanwhile here’s a picture of a sight I was shown where a small group of kids have been living for several months.  Aged between 12 – 14 years they live behind this billboard and when I talked to them this week all I could ask was why?

I’ll tell you more about them next time I blog.

Chat soon






Mexico Blog

01 July 2012 12:00AM

1.30am and just thinking about getting some sleep. Had a great evening but if you ask me doing what, the answer is I don’t really know. We all have evenings like that when we potter. A little bit of this and a little bit of that, probably nothing really exciting but necessary.

Actually, I have chatted with friends, watched some Mexican TV, sorted out my stuff ready for my return to the UK and…what did she say? Yes, return to the UK in a few days. But watch this space because anything can happen between now and then, especially as Mexico goes to the polls tomorrow. Oops, no. Today!

I just received a call from one of my Mexican friends and she said, ‘Anna, this is the worst time to come to Mexico.’


As long as they don’t close the airport we will be fine. Ha! ha!

And I think we all know who is going to win. Its fixed isnt it? I cant believe they were actually on TV this week signing an agreement that they would accept defeat quietley if they lost. What a crazy carry on.The party leaders might behave but what about the people? How many thousand were in the Zocolo earlier this week supporting Obrador? All of Mexico some say.  Well may be not quite. But guys, your man is not going to get in. But then apparently they admit he did win the last election after all. But that’s what I hear. What do I really know, I’m just a visitor in this land.

Buenos noches or if you’re in the UK, Buenos dias.
